Tribute to the Military

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Asinine Ideas from the UK

Courtesy of Stop the ACLU:

Stop The ACLU has posted a new item, 'Timesonline Overreacts: If Islam is
Extreme Let's ban ALL Religion'

-By Warner Todd Huston

In yet another example of why the west might not beat the onslaught of radical Islamofascism, Minette Marrin of the Timesonline thinks she has found a solution to the clash of cultures. Marrin details the extremism evinced by too
many Muslims in England and then posits a solution: ban all religion. Talk about an absurd idea. It's as foolish as throwing out the baby with the bath water. It also discounts thousands of years of worthy and enlightened western
culture influenced, guided and based on Christian philosophy.

Marrin's wooly headed prescription also serves as a fine example of the most shallow of PC, postmodern "thinking." Famed French mathematician Jules Henri Poincaré once said that, "to doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection."  It is a lesson in discernment and critical thinking that escapes most on the left, and specifically this prosaic, anti-intellectual Timesonline columnist.

The first half of Marrin's piece details recent poll results revealing the extremist leaning of Muslim students in England and it is alarming information, indeed. These poll results show, for instance, that four out of ten Muslim
students in Britain support Sharia law in the UK. One third said that killing in the name of religion was justified. It shows that a quarter think women are not equals to men. The poll also shows that, among other results, 57% believe
Muslim soldiers in the British army should be allowed to opt out of the war on terror. This alarming YouGov poll was released on Monday, July 28.

You may view the entire article at Stop the ACLU> [Stop The ACLU] Timesonline Overreacts: If Islam is Extreme Let's ban ALL Religion

Monday, July 28, 2008

Jihadi Express: Subway Ads in NYC

Unbelievable...Muslim subway ads have terror tie-in, Courtesy of NY Post

Allah board!

An Islamic group plans to blitz 1,000 subway cars with advertisements this September in a campaign being promoted by a Brooklyn imam whom federal officials have linked to a plot to blow up city landmarks.

The group says its mission is to explain the true nature of Islam to non-Muslims who believe the religion is bent on acts of violence - but, an inflammatory imam who appears in a promotional YouTube video for the project, has defended convicted bomb-plotters and called the FBI and CIA the "real terrorists." LINK 

It is so important to stop this madness....

If the politically correct apologists and appeasers and their islamic puppet master friends get their way with this, it will be a big breakthrough for them, and a big loss for us and for freedom and sanity. The politically correct apologists and appeasers and their Islamic puppet masters will have established credibility as a religion, when they need to be redefined as a hostile foreign entity - something that American laws do not permit us to give way to.

The more they win battles for Political Correctness, the harder they will be to push back. Here are ways you can take action against this outrage. Support Congressman Pete King's move to stop it.

Email Congressman King at Or call him at 202 225 7896 in Washington DC, or 516 541 4225 in Massapequa Park, or 631 541 4225 in Suffolk County.

You don't have to be a constituent to say you support his actions.

Email NY Post reporter Jeremy Olshan, who broke this story and tell him you want more like this:

Call Governor Patterson: 518 474 8390.  Do it now and say you want a subway free of terror and free of lying propaganda.

Also discussing:

Hat tip to JihadChat

Another Tarnished Dent in the Messiah's Armour.

Courtesy of GOPUSA: Kumbaya Falls Flat In Berlin

The headline on the website of German magazine Der Spiegel about Barack Obama's speech in Berlin: "Huge Crowds Left with Mixed Feelings." Two hundred thousand turned out for the speech, but CNN's Candy Crowley reported an "absence of euphoria" at the event. As Senator Obama went global with "Yes, we can" and "Change we can believe in" he left at least some of the horde in Berlin scratching their heads. Perhaps these Germans, out to hear what all the excitement was about, were looking for leadership and substance rather than kumbaya.

Read More at GOPUSA

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Religion of Peace targets Olympics

Islamist bombers target Olympics

Courtesy of Times Online

A MILITANT Islamic group has threatened to attack the Beijing Olympics with suicide bombers and  biological weapons and has claimed responsibility for a string of fatal bombings and explosions in China over recent weeks.

In a video released by IntelCenter, a terrorism monitoring group, a bearded man identified as “Commander Seyfullah” is seen reading a declaration of jihad against the Olympics and warns athletes and spectators, “especially Muslims”, to stay away. link to the article:  Islamists

It appears that the teachings of Mohammed is deviant.  That idiot, Commander Seyfullah, will create even more hardships for the Ulghur people of Xinjiang Province through his twisted interpretations of the teachings of the moon-worshiping caravan raider, Mohammed.

The world has been at war with itself throughout history, sometimes, errant religious ideology has played a factor and sometimes has not.  The real source of war is the blind ambitions of those who want to dominate others, more recently Saddam Hussein's thirst for power and Osama Bin Laden's fatwa against the west. 

Mohammed's followers have used the Olympic backdrop in the past when Black September terrorists took Israeli athletes hostage and killed eleven.  We are entering a new front in the war on terror.  Pray for the Chinese government that their security catches the homicidal jihadists who may try to disrupt the games.  Pray for the athletes and those who attend the games.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Honour Killing in America

Courtesy of Nunoftheabove:  Honor Killing in America on Fox News

July 25, 2008 by nunoftheabove

One of the ongoing stories that this blog has followed has been that of the murder of Sarah and Amina Said by their father, Yaser Said.  Said allegedly shot his daughters on New Year’s Day in his taxicab in what has been described by some as an “honor killing.” 


Many Muslim’s have resented that description in this case, but this is not an isolated incident in the United States. 


A special will air this weekend that will examine not only the case of the Said sisters, but others as well.

Saturday, July 26 at 8 p.m. ETFOX News Anchor Megyn Kelly
Sunday, July 27 at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET

Hosted by Megyn Kelly

Unimaginable crimes — fathers killing daughters, brothers killing sisters — to restore their family’s


FOX News Anchor Megyn Kelly

“honor.” It’s been all too common in places like Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Middle East. But now a FOX News investigation exposes how this heinous crime against women has arrived in America.

Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

ABCABC takes McCain behind the woodpile, sends Obama to the head of the class

Courtesy of - Brent Baker

Matching CBS on Tuesday night, on Wednesday evening ABC's World News followed its exclusive Barack Obama session of the day with a shorter interview segment with John McCain as anchor Charles Gibson teased: "Barack Obama, here in Israel, holding meetings at breakneck speed on the Middle East conflict." Obama got a full five minutes with anchor Charles Gibson in Israel, not counting a glowing minute-long introduction -- Obama's "schedule here in Israel looked like a Middle East shuttle mission" -- while ABC allocated two-and-a-half minutes to David Wright with McCain. Gibson did press Obama on his foreign policy "inexperience" and Obama's declaration that "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel," wondering if that was "a rookie mistake?" Wright began by scolding McCain for his "extraordinary statement" that "Obama would rather lose a war in order to win a political campaign." Wright demanded: "Do you really think he's that craven?" Bizarrely, as if the media's decisions are not primarily responsible, Wright told McCain the fact that "the narrative of this campaign is being driven by whatever Senator Obama does" shows a McCain campaign failure.  For the rest of the article:  ABC Scolds McCain & Admits Obama Driving the Campaign 'Narrative'

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Chink in the Messiah's Armour? Are we getting the truth from Lamestream Media?

Courtesy of Matt Drudge:


However the AP file story at Breitbart did not mention any shouting, mob, or chaos.  I am not sure what is going on or if Matt Drudge has it right.   However with the rock star personal and the lame stream media wiping Obama's arse, I have to wonder if perhaps Matt Drudge hit the nail on the head, as usual?  I imagine that after the coronation of Barack Hussein Obama following the November elections, the coming fairness doctrine will quiet any dissent.  News stories will get a good scrubbing and I doubt that speculative or unfavorable stories will get out.  G_d help us from the Obamanation.

Cold war escalate; Russia plans to send nuclear capable bombers to Cuba.

US general warns Russia on nuclear bombers in Cuba

It appears that the cold war is escalating with Russia as of late.  In June 2008, the Washington Times reported that Russian TU-95 bombers have stepped up provocative flight exercises off the Alaskan coast, reminiscent of Cold War incursions designed to rattle U.S. air defenses.  Apparently, TU-95 Bear bombers on 18 occasions the past year have skirted a 12-mile air defense identification zone that protects Alaska.

We are seeing with more frequency Russian warplane overfights on US Navy warships operating in international waters.  Russia signed an agreement to sell advanced weapons systems to Chavez' Marxist government in Venezuela.  Now according the AP, Russia announced plans to fly bombers into Cuba.   A top US Air Force officer warned that Russia would cross "a red line for the United States of America" if it were to base nuclear capable bombers in Cuba.

There appears to be storm clouds on the horizon.  See article > Link

Sunday, July 20, 2008

We have not heard the last from Hugo Chavez

About two or three years ago I laid out Chavez ambitions based on some discussion was a colleague, Kenneth Rijock, about our little fat friend Hugo.  Now Hugo is flush with oil money and has an extensive shopping list.

Hugo is buddies with Kim Jung II of North Korea and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran. This guy, Hugo Chavez, is destined to ruin our day.  I suspect our liberal socialist buddies are going dance in the streets of New York with joy that America is going to be brought to its knees.

Nicaragua is an the Marxist mend.  Hugo Chavez buddy, Danny Ortega, is in charge again. 

Mexico is being slowly taken over by drug cartels. Hezbollah has a firm stronghold in South America.

in 2002, Jeffrey Goldberg, contributing correspondent to the New Yorker penned an article about Hezbollah in South America that the mainstream media and State Department has marginalized for years.

"Roughly two hundred thousand people live in the Ciudad del Este region, including a substantial minority of Arab Muslims; in the Triple Frontier zone, ( Geography note from Bosun: tri-border area, along the junction of Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil )there may be as many as thirty thousand. According to intelligence officials in the region and in Washington, this Muslim community has in its midst a hard core of terrorists, many of them associated with Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite group backed by the Iranian government; some with Hamas, the Palestinian fundamentalist group; and some with Al Qaeda. It is, over all, a community under the influence of extreme Islamic beliefs; intelligence officials told me that some of the Triple Frontier Arabs held celebrations on September 11th of last year and also on the anniversary this year. These officials said that Hezbollah runs weekend training camps on farms cut out of the rain forest of the Triple Frontier. In at least one of these camps, in the remote jungle terrain near Foz do Iguaçu, young adults get weapons training and children are indoctrinated in Hezbollah ideology — a mixture of anti-American and anti-Jewish views inspired by Ayatollah Khomeini. source Jeffrey Goldberg , originally posted in the New Yorker Magazine, 2002

Sounds like we are getting ready to see some bad **** out of the southern borders. Maybe it is fitting that Obama is going to become the 44th President of the late great United States. The left has opposed everything President Bush has tried to do for the past seven years and constantly blames him for everything.  Seems like I just got done hearing about certain legislators names being named on a certain FARC C computer and that Marxism will be on the rise. Bout time for the America socialists to fall on their swords.

Old Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev was a little ahead of his time when he banged his shoe on the table and said he was going to bury our western democracy ass.

You guys and girls have not seen anything yet. Chavez Goes Weapons Shopping in Russia Amid Regional Arms Race...

Controversy about the Islamic Saudi Academy's teaching materials; founded or unfounded?

According to Town Hall contributor, Cal Thomas, there continues to be a School for Scoundrels. Is there anyone reading this post close to Fairfax County that could check out this story and checking into the validity that they are still using hate books?  Anyone here have any amplifying in information?

Despite a report by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom that the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandria, VA., has continued to use textbooks that teach hatred of everyone not of their specific brand of faith, the U.S. State Department has yet to act to close down the school. Officials of the academy, which has about 1,000 students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12, promised to excise passages in the textbooks that disparage Jews and Christians, but according to an examination by The Washington Post for the 2006-2007 school year, though "much of the controversial material had been removed, at least one book still contained passages that extolled jihad and martyrdom, called for victory over one's enemies and said the killing of adulterers and apostates was 'justified.'"

For the rest of the article: School for Scoundrels

I  have not heard much about this since, however, a search of news turned up this little gem, courtesy of AP, Washington Post, and WTOPS News:

FAIRFAX, VA. - Fairfax County supervisors are asking Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to determine whether they should continue leasing property to a private Islamic school.
One review by a federal commission concluded that some textbooks used by the school contain language intolerant of Jews and other groups as well as passages that could be construed as advocating violence.
Board of Supervisors Chairman Gerry Connolly ..... (WROTE) that the county doesn't employ the linguists and scholars needed to determine whether the Fairfax academy's teaching materials promote violence or intolerance.

A review of the  Saudi Academy Website,

Since its establishment, the Islamic Saudi Academy has viewed its relationship with the community and culture as vital to the mission of the school. ISA not only promotes respect and mutual understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims, Arabs and Americans while keeping within the Muslim faith, it strives for its staff and students to uphold tolerance, honesty, integrity and compassion, qualities that represent the best of both American and Arabic cultures.

The apparent controversy regarding the Saudi Academy may be a misunderstanding, poor translation of what was in the textbook(s), and/or al-Taqiyya.

I sure wish I knew what is going on.......

Don't worry folks apparently the book(s) in question only attacked what al- Qur'an القرآن ‎terms "people of the book" (Jews and Christians) and other non-believers. It does not reference politically correct liberal apologists (not yet anyway).

Friday, July 18, 2008

State Department promotes 'Mosques in America'

Apparently our political correctness is going to bury America.   According the WND, "Using taxpayer dollars, the State Department has produced and is selling a 2009 calendar featuring "Mosques of America."

When the blogosphere discovered the "outreach" materials for sale, the State Department attempted to hide the site behind a password. Too late -- WND has it. 

Read the latest now on State Dept. promotes 'Mosques in America'

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

School of islamic Scoundrels

According to Town Hall contributor, Cal Thomas, there continues to be an Islamic School for Scoundrels that teaches hate.

Despite a report by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom that the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandria, Va., has continued to use textbooks that teach hatred of everyone not of their specific brand of faith, the U.S. State Department has yet to act to close down the school. Officials of the academy, which has about 1,000 students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12, promised to excise passages in the textbooks that disparage Jews and Christians, but according to an examination by The Washington Post for the 2006-2007 school year, though "much of the controversial material had been removed, at least one book still contained passages that extolled jihad and martyrdom, called for victory over one's enemies and said the killing of adulterers and apostates was 'justified.'"

Coulter: Alternative energy? How 'bout a car that runs on Democrats' lies

In her usual demure style, Ann Coulter comes out blazing today against Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in response to their energy plan.

Writes Coulter: "Announcing the Democrats' bold new 'plan' on energy last week, Pelosi said breaking into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve 'is one alternative.' That's not an energy plan. It's using what we already have - much like 'conservation,' which is also part of the Democrats' plan.

"Conservation, efficiency and using oil we hold in reserve for emergencies does not get us more energy. It's as if we were running out of food and the Democrats were telling us: 'Just eat a little less every day.' Great! We'll die a little more slowly. That's not what we call a 'plan.' We need more energy, not a plan for a slower death."

Says Coulter of the Democrats: "They don't want drilling. They don't want more oil. They want humans to ride bicycles and then to die."

Read Coulter's entire column now at This is not a drill

Monday, July 14, 2008

The New Yorker Cartoon, another con job

My friends over at Stop the ACLU have have been discussing the New Yorker cover picture depicting Presidential contender Barack Hussein Obama, Jr, in a turban, fist-bumping his gun-slinging wife with an American flag burns in their fireplace here and here.

Of course, the New Yorker says it’s satire. The left says it is evil, racist, and a low-blow smear campaign.  The right is having a good chuckle and probably will have a good time with the pix. 

According to Politico, The Obama campaign is condemning as “tasteless and offensive” a New Yorker magazine cover.  The Obama campaign quickly condemned the rendering. Spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement: “The New Yorker may think, as one of their staff explained to us, that their cover is a satirical lampoon of the caricature Senator Obama’s right-wing critics have tried to create. But most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree.”

The way I see it, this may be well orchestrated plan to place their Messiah completely into victim status.

The Jesse Jackson gaff that was leaked after a FoxNews show was directed at white liberals to facilitate them to see that Obamination in a down trodden colored liberal who they (the white liberals) can flock around in guilt to support. Lets face it about 80 - 90% of Black America will vote for Obamination regardless of what Jackson says or doesn’t say.

The continued notion that Obamination is a victim has been running the leftist circuit for months.  Heck, Bill and Hillary Clinton openly victimized Obama and took the focus off the Messiah of the leftist party.  They wittingly or unwittingly contributed to his success.  

Well, the New Yorker is now painting Obamination as a victim. There has been so much speculation about radical and islamic ties throughout the whole campaign process so far. I suspect this is designed to rally the Left and Liberal base and help distract them from Obomination's counter gaffs.

Jonathan Raban in the British paper Guardian Unlimited has a good piece about American Politics How US politics got personal

US voters don’t want to hear about Iraq, terrorism and the fallout from 9/11. Instead, they want to talk about identity - race, religion and the glass ceiling. But how long can this holiday last?

Yes, the Sorros dominated left Obama for President machine is really good.  They are working overtime  facilitating fresh ideas, AND, duping and running circles around the American public.  What we have is a junior senator with almost no experience other than being a community activist associated with ACORN and an black nationalist church running for President of the United States, the highest office of the land.  My liberal friends are falling all over themselves in supporting Mr. Change.   Folks we are being manipulated and conned.   The cartoon is another way to keep the real issues off balance.