Tribute to the Military

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wright Flock Loses Black Sheep Obama

Courtesy of my friend, Big Dog. 

Wright Flock Loses Black Sheep Obama

Posted at Category: Political

For quite some time now Barack Hussein Obama has been taking heat because he attended a church with a racist pastor who hates white people and has a huge chip on his shoulder. Obama had hoped that the furor over Pastor Wright’s remarks had passed and that his [Obama's] speech about race had sealed the deal. Unfortunately, the man Obama described as an uncle more closely resembles the black sheep (pun intended) of the family. I believe that the Obama’s hold many of Wright’s views but don’t want to be associated with them so that he can be elected and Michelle can go on being proud for the first time in her life.

Wright was making the rounds this past week and he ended up at the National Press Club on what turns out to be the invite of a Hillary Clinton supporter. Barbara Reynolds helped get Wright as a speaker. Whether she did it to throw more fuel on the fire and help Clinton or did it to hear what he has to say is a matter of speculation. Regardless of the motive, he did not disappoint people and his anti-American hate filled speech is probably giving Obama more gray hair by the minute.

Obama, who has tried to distance himself from Wright, completely denounced his spiritual mentor and said he was outraged by statements Wright made. Wright told audiences that the attacks were not on him but on the black church as a whole and that the US government created AIDS to get rid of black people. Wright likens this to the Tuskegee experiments early in the last century:

Wright criticized the U.S. government as imperialist and stood by his suggestion that the United States invented the HIV virus as a means of genocide against minorities. “Based on this Tuskegee experiment and based on what has happened to Africans in this country, I believe our government is capable of doing anything,” he said. Breitbart

Just for historical purposes, the experiments dealt with syphilis, a venereal disease. In the 1930s syphilis killed a lot of people and the medication they gave to treat it was often worse than the disease. The medications killed people or made them very sick and often did not cure the infection. A group of people decided to follow black men with the disease (they had it already, the government did not infect them) and see how it progressed. This was a time when there was no real informed consent and the "participants”  (uneducated black men) in the study were not informed why they were being observed. Many patients were often not told the truth about conditions at that time in our history.

Syphilis was not brought under control until the invention of penicillin in the 1940s. However, many people in the Tuskegee study were not given penicillin and remained under observation to see how the disease affected them. There is no getting around the fact that these people were used and were the victims of what we would now consider unscrupulous medical practices though at the time they were not seen as such. The fact that they were not given penicillin when it was discovered is a terrible case of malpractice. However, there is no way to equate this to the AIDS virus (which came from a simian virus). Wright is spouting off conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact.

Before I get off this tangent it is important to note one thing. Wright blames the government for HIV and says that this is a way [for whites] to get rid of blacks. Then he brings up the Tuskegee study as if a bunch of white guys went around infecting blacks with syphilis. Two of the people involved in the Tuskegee study were black. There was a black nurse and an black doctor who studied the men who had become (on their own) infected with syphilis. It does not make it right, it only dispels this idea that white guys are trying to kill off blacks.

Is Wright now a thorn in Obama’s side? Wright told people in his speech that he is a pastor and Obama a politician so he speaks as a pastor and Obama says what politicians have to say [to get elected]. Does this mean that Obama agrees with Wright but says the opposite in order to gain higher office? Regardless of what he means, it is obvious that Wright has blackened Obama’s eye. It looks as if Wright has been offended by Obama’s constant denunciation of him and his preachings.

Is Pastor Wright now deliberately sabotaging Obama because Obama has distanced himself from his one time spiritual adviser? Has Obama become the black sheep of Wright’s flock? It seems like Wright is an intelligent man so he has to know that his multiple appearances will adversely affect Obama. Is he so vain that he is blind to the effect he is having or has he decided that Obama needs to pay for denouncing him? Does Wright think that trying to redirect the blame by saying white people are attacking the black church will play well with the very white people Wright thinks are racists?

It seems as if Pastor Wright has turned against Barack Obama. Is it because he is upset?

Or did the Clintons get to him?

Obama has Wright to mess things up and Hillary has Bill. You have to love watching the Democrats implode.

Big Dog

Big Dog's Tags: AIDS, church, Clinton, Obama, racist, tuskegee, wright

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Bigmo said...

Wright is an Uncle Tom Clinton lover and does what many blacks know how to do, bring down their own kind. He loves the Clintons since they fit the image blacks see themselves as. Collar greens, corn bread and fried chicken and everytime they see another brother rise they have to bring him down. Blacks need racism to justify their economic and social failures, failures they bring to themselves. Like 2pac Shakur said, its my own kind doing all the killing here.

It also is the hatred and envy that dominates black life that Wright represents. Blacks leaders always hated Obama because he rose in this nation while they lag behind preying on themselves.

The hell with that Uncle Tom acting like he is some militant. He ain’t nothing but a player hater.

Everywhere in this world their is oppression but many blacks can’t go on because they can’t fight the demons in them. The demon that make them rob each other, hate each other and abandon their own kids. The demons that makes them envy those among them who shine.

Bos'un said...

I was thinking about Wright yesterday and trying to put my finger on how he has tried to torpedo Obama's presidential aspirations. I appreciate your comments. Thank you for sharing them.