Tribute to the Military

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Church divided over proposal to proclaim Jesus

Courtesy of Prophesy News Watch

Apostate Christianity

Church of England divided over proposal to proclaim Jesus as the only way to Salvation

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me - John 14:6

The Church of England is divided over a proposed motion for it to proclaim Christianity as the only way to salvation and offer strategies on how to evangelize Muslims. Senior church leaders as well as some Muslim figures have voiced anger at the motion proposed by Paul Eddy – a lay member of the church’s General Synod, according to BBC. Eddy, along with traditionalist Anglicans, argues that the church should stop avoiding hard questions about its beliefs. The Church of England must make it clear that it believes in what the Bible says about Jesus being the only way to salvation, he said.

Currently training to become a priest, Eddy believes that being upfront about the church’s beliefs will be helpful to Muslim-Christian relations. “Most Muslims that I’ve talked to say, ‘I really wish that Christians would stop watering down their faith and expecting us to do the same,’” Eddy said on BBC Radio Four on Sunday. “Until we start really saying what we really believe in our faith, there will be no respect.” Also, Muslims expect Christians to believe that Jesus is the only way to God, Eddy noted. “They will expect us – if we’re true Christians – to try to evangelize them, in the same way they will expect us, if they’re true Muslims, to adopt their faith,” he said. But the problem is that the church, in an effort to be inclusive and to avoid offending people of other faiths, has “lost its nerve” and has “not doing what the Bible says,” he noted. .......... read more

Bishop Fears Radical Islam Will Fill 'Moral Vacuum'

Courtesy of Prophecy News Watch

Bishop Fears Radical Islam Will Fill 'Moral Vacuum' in Britain

A senior Church of England bishop claims the erosion of Christianity in Britain is leaving the country with a “moral vacuum” that radical Islam is ready to fill. Writing in the political magazine Standpoint, the Rt. Rev. Dr Michael Nazir-Ali quoted an academic who pointed to the failure of church leaders to prevent Christian values from being substantially eroded in society during the social and sexual revolution of the 60s.

Christianity began to fall to the wayside just as more people of different faiths were starting to settle in Britain, the Pakistani-born Bishop of Rochester added. “It is a situation which has created the moral and spiritual vacuum in which we find ourselves. Whilst the Christian consensus was dissolved, nothing else, except perhaps endless self-indulgence, was put in its place,” he said.

Whereas Marxism failed to take hold in British society, he went on to question whether society could counter radical Islam with the same success. "We are now, however, confronted by another equally serious ideology, that of radical Islamism, which also claims to be comprehensive in scope,” he said. Nazir-Ali answered that only Judeo-Christian values could stand up adequately against the threat posed by radical Islam............. For the complete article link here

Friday, May 30, 2008

Kerry: On Sept. 11 We Were at Peace

Courtesy of The Hill Briefing Room

Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) believes that on September 11 "we were basically
at peace."

Asked to clarify his remarks, specifically asking about the attacks on the U.S.S. Cole during Barack Obama campaign conference call, Kerry said, "well, we hadn't declared war," The Hill's Sam Youngman reports.

Asked if al Qaeda was a threat at the time, the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee said, "well yes, obviously they were a threat. But, fundamentally we were not at war at that point in time."

Kerry also called John McCain "out of step with history and facts."

UPDATE: Responding to Kerry's claim, RNC spokesman Danny Diaz said: "It’s absolutely critical that the next Commander in Chief understands the challenges America faces. Yet it’s clear that Barack Obama has a thin understanding of history and fails to grasp the threat of terrorism."

"After a week’s worth of examples demonstrating Obama’s lack of preparedness to serve as president, his campaign is understandably desperate to shift the focus. Considering it’s now been 873 days since Obama visited Iraq, any suggestion that he even understands what’s happening on the ground is laughable."

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Public School Class Teaches: 'There is one god, Allah'

According to World Net Daily, public school students at Friendswood Junior High in the Houston area have been roped into Islamic training by representatives from the Council on American-Islamic Relations during class time, prompting religious leaders to protest over the principal's actions.

Pastor Dave Welch, spokesman for the Houston Area Pastor Council, confirmed the indoctrination had taken place and called it "unacceptable."

"The failure of the principal of Friendswood Junior High to respect simple procedures requiring parental notification for such a potentially controversial subject, to not only approve but participate personally in a religious indoctrination session led by representatives of a group with well-known links to terrorist organizations and her cavalier response when confronted, raises serious questions about her fitness to serve in that role," the pastors' organization said.

According to a parent, whose name was withheld, the children were given the Islamic indoctrination during time that was supposed to be used for a physical education class.

"I am simply trying to get the word out to those whose kids may not have told them about an Islamic presentation that all kids were required to attend," wrote the parent, who was working to assemble protests to the school board.

WND previously has reported how public school textbooks used across the nation have begun promoting Islam, teaching even the religious doctrines.

Read the article at Texas children roped into Islamic training

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TV news crew probing Islam at public school attacked

History textbooks promoting Islam

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Muslim religion taught under guise of history

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Why Johnny is reading Islamist propaganda

'Islamic indoctrination' taken to Supreme Court

Judges asked to rethink 'Islamic-indoctrination'

Appeals court hears 'Islamic indoctrination' case

Appeals court hears 'Islamic indoctrination' case

Judge rules Islamic education OK in California classrooms

District sued over Islam studies

Publisher responds to book criticism

Islam studies spark hate mail, lawsuits

Islam studies required in California district

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Obama was planning a trip

Courtesy of my friend, BigDog

Obama was Planning Trip to Iraq

Category: Military, Political

John McCain has been hammering B. Hussein Obama pretty hard because Obama has declared that the US lost in Iraq and that the surge was not working and he made these assessments even though he has not been to the country in over two years. Obama has also not spoken with General Petraeus other than to grandstand during the General’s last briefing to Congress. John McCain suggested that Obama needed to go to Iraq and see for himself. He also suggested that before Obama engages in unconditional talks with our enemies he should consider doing so with our top commanders, particularly General Petraeus.

Well lo and behold B. Hussein Obama is considering a trip to Iraq. His people say that he has been thinking about this for some time (sure) and Obama indicated that he did not want to go there just for some political stunt:

“I just don’t want to be involved in a political stunt.”

“I think that if I’m going to Iraq, then I’m there to talk to troops and talk to commanders,” he said in the interview. “I’m not there to try to score political points or perform. The work they’re doing there is too important.”

What Obama is saying is that he would never use Iraq as a political pawn because the work our men and women are doing there is too important. No, Obama would never play politics with this important issue. Just one problem. His people stated this about his plans:

Obama’s campaign has been considering an overseas trip since last year to beef up his foreign policy credentials, but the extended fight for the Democratic nomination with Hillary Rodham Clinton has delayed those plans.

So Obama does not want to be part of a political stunt but he has been considering a trip to Iraq to beef up his foreign policy credentials. In reality, he is not going to talk to the troops or commanders and the work they are doing is not that important because B. Hussein Obama needs to beef up his credentials by going to Iraq. Obama would never play politics with this important issue but going just to beef up your creds is playing politics with this important issue.

It is also playing politics with this important issue to talk about a complete and unconditional withdraw from Iraq regardless of what commanders on the ground advise just to appease (there is that word again) the nutroots on the left fringe of the party. To decide on withdraw with little or no regard for what the real military professionals have to say is pure politics and is a move designed to win votes from those who are tired of the conflict.

I have my doubts as to whether Obama was planning a trip to Iraq or not but the fact is this little tidbit was not revealed until McCain started hammering him about it. No matter what he or his people say it will always look like McCain shamed him into going.

I wonder if he will meet with General Petraeus? I think Obama is trying to avoid the man because he will then be forced to either agree with a commander on the ground or disregard what he says. The former will tick off Obama’s base and the latter will show an arrogance toward a man who is about eight years older and has a hell of a lot more military knowledge than Obama will ever have.

McCain backed Obama in a corner with this one and it will be fun to see how this plays out. I bet Obama comes out of it with a lot more gaffes. Who knows, maybe he will come back with some more family war stories.

Big Dog's Tags: arrogance, Iraq, McCain, Obama, Petraeus, trip

Bosun's comment: I figure that Obama (and possibly his mentor, dhimmi ( ذمي ‎) Jimmah Carter, may also desire to stop in Iran to talk with the head Holocaust denier, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Of course B. Hussein Obama will claim that it is not a political stunt.

Kessler: McClellan's Allegations lack Credibility

Courtesy of

May 28, 2008

If Scott McClellan’s allegations about President Bush sound as if he copied them from the editorial page of any liberal newspaper, there is a reason for it: As White House press secretary, McClellan was not privy to sensitive policy decisions and therefore has no specifics to back up his charges.

In “What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception,” McClellan claims that the White House sold the Iraq war to the American people with a sophisticated “political propaganda campaign” led by Bush. He says it was aimed at “manipulating sources of public opinion” and “downplaying the major reason for going to war.”


Ann Coulter on when it's OK to talk to tyrants

Columnist Ann Coulter continues her analysis of Barack Obama's desire for open-ended talks with Iran's President Ahmadinejad, the world's only dictator, she says, "we're not allowed to compare to Hitler."

Writes Coulter: "The only explanation for liberals' hysterical zealotry in favor of Obama's proposed open-ended talks with Ahmadinejad is that they seriously imagine crazy foreign dictators will be as charmed by Obama as cable TV hosts whose legs tingle when they listen to Obama (a condition that used to be known as 'sciatica').

"Because, really, who better to face down a Holocaust denier with a messianic complex than the guy who is afraid of a debate moderated by Brit Hume?"

Read Coulter's latest column now at You can't appease everybody

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Phone, LG Venus


I just picked up my upgraded phone from VerizonWireless, an LG Venus.  Here is the information from Verizon: 

The new VENUS™ combines the best of all worlds! This sophisticated and stunning slider features a lower display with interactive touch navigation, music player, 2.0 megapixel camera, and up to an 8GB microSDsm memory port for extra storage.  It is Bluetooth® Stereo supported. 

I have a 4GB microSDsm memory chip in my phone.  And, I also purchased a Bluetooth® Stereo headset to listen to music.  Works as good as an IPOD for me.  The music essentials cable and Verizon software make it easy to connect to your computer.  The only draw back that I have noticed is that the standard battery that came with the phone lasts about four hours when listening to music.  For me, the VENUS by LG is a good phone.  Talk to your cell phone representative to see if it will serve your purpose.  Check out LG Electronics website and read up on this revolutionary phone.  LG Website


Monday, May 26, 2008

A 'Smart' Car


I saw a "Smart Car" in the parking lot at Fry's Electronics yesterday. It was an impressive looking vehicle to say the least.

The company claims it is a car that offers maximum comfort, agility, safety, ecology and driving fun. I cannot attest to that. The company also claims that the car is a pioneering vehicle concept that may be one of the best with its low CO2 emission figures.

According to the company website, Smart Car is priced about $12,000 - $16,000. It is rated at about 40 MPG (give or take a few MPG). Smart Car is affiliated with Mercedes Benz and it is an interesting concept.

Discover the smart fortwo – as a coupé and a cabrio in the pure, pulse, passion and BRABUS equipment lines at .

Two Thinks Happened Last Week


Two things happened in Iraq last week.  A US soldier shot a discarded copy of the Qur’an, and al-Qaeda strapped explosives to an 8-year-old girl, killing more Iraqis in the name of Allah.  Only one of these acts
enraged Muslims.  Do you know Islam well enough to know which?   The Religion of Peace.Com

"Don't judge the Muslims that you know by Islam and don't judge Islam by the Muslims that you know. " Islam is an ideology.  No ideology is above critique, particularly one that explicitly seeks political and social dominance over every person on the planet. Muslims are individuals.  No Muslim should be harmed, harassed, stereotyped or treated any differently anywhere in the world solely on account of their status as a Muslim.  The fight is against radical Islam and the ideology that turns moderates to fanatics.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Coulter: Obama to be Ahmadinejad's new psychotherapist?


'If We Could Talk To Animals'

Liberals think all real tyrants ended with Hitler and act as if they would have known all along not to appease him. Next time is always different for people who refuse to learn from history. As Air America's Mark Green said: 'Look, Hitler was Hitler.' (Which, I admit, threw me for a loop: I thought Air America's position is that Bush is Hitler.)"

So writes Ann Coulter in her brand new column at WorldNetDaily. Coulter blasts Obama and his defenders for their "hysteria and rage" over President Bush's comments last week in Jerusalem about talking to U.S. enemies.

Writes Coulter: "Liberals think the way to deal with dangerous tyrants is to send in a sensitive president who will make Ahmadinejad fall in love with him. They imagine Obama becoming Ahmadinejad's psychotherapist, like Barbra Streisand in 'The Prince of Tides.'"

Read Ann Coulter's latest column now at
If we could talk to the animals

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Military honchos 'suppress' chaplain's Baptist services

Courtesy of World Net Daily

An investigation is being sought by a Christian church organization in the United States after the U.S. Army deliberately shut down a service one of its sponsored chaplains was running for U.S. military service personnel at Forward Operating Base Loyalty in Iraq. He was allegedly told being 'born again' has 'no place' in Army life.

The complaint by Associated Gospel Churches, a fellowship of Independent Fundamental Christian churches, has been forwarded to the Army by U.S. Rep. Walter Jones, R-N.C., seeking an Army Inspector General investigation.

"Because this information is now in the public domain, the AGC acknowledges that the Fundamental Baptist service led by Chaplain Stuart Kazarovich, an AGC endorsed chaplain, appears to have been suppressed because it was offensive to the brigade chaplain," Baugham told WND in a prepared statement.

Read the article at
Military honchos 'suppress' chaplain's Baptist services

Previous stories at

Court challenged to allow Christians right to pray, too

Chaplain who prayed 'in Jesus' name' to fight

Navy chaplain being booted from service

Civil rights issue delays chaplain's dismissal

Navy dismisses chaplain who prayed 'in Jesus' name'

Navy setting up 'civic religion,' lawsuit charges

Court-martialed chaplain declares victory

Prayer in Jesus' name results in $3,000 fine

Chaplain who prayed 'in Jesus' name' convicted

Navy chaplain pleads not guilty in prayer case

Chaplain opposes bill aimed at protecting prayer

Court hearing held for praying chaplain

Chaplain faces punishment for gospel message

Christian chaplain to be court-martialed?

Air Force still no-Jesus zone?

Pastors sue Navy for discrimination

Navy surrenders: Chaplain eating

Navy rebuts fasting chaplain's claims

Chaplain 'starves himself' over Navy no-Jesus zone

Clergy to protest at White House

Effort afoot to protect military prayers

New Air Force rules: No religion

Air Force cracks down on Christian 'coercion'

Wiccans meet on Air Force base

Muslim chaplain probe demanded

Ex-Muslim chaplain claims Gitmo holds no terrorists

Embattled Muslim aide to leave Pentagon job

Quantico mosque leader promoted

Taxpayers fund Islamic center

Muslims challenged to denounce evil

Muslims fear 'United 93' backlash

Iran letter precursor to war?

Saudi cleric sees U.S. collapsing, Muslim victory

'American Hiroshima' linked with Iran attack

Court upholds lawmaker who called CAIR terrorist

Islamist 'Trojan horse' in Pentagon, say experts

Quantico mosque leader promoted


Sudan: A History Lesson

Courtesy of Rosemary's Thoughts

Sudan gained its independence in the year 1956, but unfortunately it became a tug of war between the Arab North and the African South. It was a civil war between non-muslims, non-arabs, and it lasted until 1972. War broke out again between the North and the South in the year 1983. This time the war lasted until 2005 when the North/South Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) was signed in January of 2005.

During these periods of time, more than 4 million people were displaced and 2 million people were killed or died due to the famine imposed by the power hungry islamists from the North. They have been trying to dominate the land politically, economically and socially ever since its independence. I guess it's pretty easy to govern a country without any citizens, eh? Back to the facts. Sudan has a population of 40.2 million people. The median age is 18.9 years old.
In 2003, the Darfur region became the next victim of these islamic thugs. I have a problem with this date of 2003, since we went into Darfur around that time for a few months. However this is the date that the CIA gives, and we all know how accurate they are, eh? (I'm speaking of the upper echelon.)
The CIA claims that 200,000 - 400,000 people have been murdered. Now, let me ask you a question. When you see a poll, a survey, a whatever, and it has more than +/- 3% difference, do you accept that as fact? No? GOOD! It is beyond 500,000. I have personally been following this, and at one point the Sudanese government was murdering over 1000 people a day. And no one said a word. No one did anything. THIS bothers me. Whatever happened to, 'Never again'?

Since December 31, 2007, the UN is trying to lay claim to the African Union (AU) who has been trying to keep the peace between Darfur and the muslims. The CIA states that as of early 2008, the peacekeeping troops have been struggling to do their jobs. Well, I have news for the CIA! Since they first began in April 8, 2004, after the first peace agreement, they have not had the backing of anyone. Period.

This war has spread over into Chad and the Central Africa Repuclic. It has caused instability to its entire region. Sudan seems comfortable enough to enter these country with its military and/or the janjaweed, and who's there to stop them? Certainly not anyone who has the power to stop these little twirps.

Besides these incursions, Sudan has also had a large refugee population (if you can believe that!) from neighboring Ethiopia and Chad. This, however, does not help these people since the wars, poor transportation, poor infrastruction and a government that would rather have you dead anyway, it makes getting aid to these people almost impossible.
Why the history lesson? The CIA seems to have left out one of the main reasons I wanted to delve into this issue. In 1993, these animals dragged two of our men through their streets in Somalia, and we did nothing. Sudan wanted to get off the terrorist list in the USA, so they offered us Osama bin Laden in 1996. We did nothing.

He had his group of thugs with him. You know those 'nice gentlemen' who blew up the embassies in 1998? What did we do? Nothing. Well, it amounted to nothing. Then there was the USS Cole where we lost 17 men and women. What did we do? Not. A. D***. Thing.
Then President Bush came into office, and we were hit on our own soil. All eyes were on him, because he was the president. I guess there was something like a time warp, because that is the only thing that can explain why terrorism began only AFTER the IRAQ theater. Does no one remember the Twin Towers? Do they not remember all the people we lost that awful day?

I shake my head in disbelief when I hear Sen. Obama (you have to very careful not to mention his middle name is Hussein!) talk about foreign policy. He will walk into the Oval Office without a clue (as would I, so this is not personal) as to what is truly happening in the world, including Iraq.
He wants us out of Iraq. No debate as to why it is reasonable to stay, no listening to the Maliki government (but hey, don't worry. He'll talk with Ahmadinejad!), no mention of how close we are to the victory.

These thugs were in Afghanistan, so he may send all of troops over there for target practice. Why did they end up in Afghanistan, you ask? Good question which helps me tie this all together. After a lot of pressure, bin Laden was forced to leave Sudan. Is bin Laden the only jihadi, or are there more? I haven't heard of him putting on a suicide belt, so I must assume that there are more than just him. Did they all leave Sudan? NO, they did not.

They still have their training camps in Sudan. They have thrown the people out of their homes of the high mountains. They have been growing in numbers, and they are planning another attack. I wonder why the CIA made no mention of this? All you have to do is pay attention. I guess that's too much to ask of the people we hire to protect this country. Maybe it's because they just want to be politically correct? To heck with that!
Sudan is a hot spot for jihadis, people are suffering genocide, and no one is saying a word. That is my purpose for writing this. My promise to the people who cannot make their voices heard will not allow me to remain silent.

Do I have a plan of action? Yes. Take out the government, and do the old time 'Marshall Law'. It's doable, and we could exterminate many of our enemies. The people could go back to their homes afterward, and we would have one less training ground for the jihadis. All in all, I like it.

Oh, did mention the most important thing? Islam must be killed. It must be outlawed. It must be exterminated. Then and only then will people be able to live in peace. Just look at the world map today and point to all the wars. What is the common thread? Islam.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Bin Laden Calls on Muslims to Confront Arab Regimes, Wage Jihad to Liberate Palestine

Courtesy of MEMRI

On May 19, 2008, Al-Qaeda's Al-Sahab Media Company posted on Islamist websites, including Al-Ikhlas, a message by Osama bin Laden titled "[An Address] to the Islamic Umma."(1) The message is a desperate call to Muslim youth to assist the Palestinians in Gaza and to confront the "treacherous" Arab regimes and leaders that stand in the way of the goals of the mujahideen.

The following are the main points discussed in the message.

Arab Leaders Who Collaborate with the West Are "Wolves [Preying on] Sheep"

Following a general message to all Muslims, bin Laden addresses the Egyptian people, saying: "Our heroic brothers in Egypt must strive to lift the siege [on Gaza], because only they live next to [Gaza's] borders. They [must also] depose this cruel... and arrogant hard-hearted [ruler, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak]... who is like Pharaoh and Haman."

In the message, bin Laden urges young Muslims "to study the reasons for the [Arab countries'] failure to liberate Palestine until now and to learn their lessons." According to him, this failure is rooted in the treacherous nature of the Arab regimes. "The Ottoman Empire," he says, "protected the umma from the Western Crusader wolf. But Great Britain collaborated with Arab leaders – first and foremost Sharif Hussein and his children, and King 'Abd Al-'Aziz Al-Sa'ud – to fight and destroy the Ottoman Empire.

"Great Britain then appointed [Arab] agents to carry out its policy and protect its interests at our expense. It is stupidity to think that the agents of the Crusader-Zionist alliance will cease attacking our religion and [plundering] our wealth. They are like wolves which will never stop [preying on] sheep."

Saladin Battled Those Arab Emirs Who Fought With the Crusaders Against the Muslims

To highlight what he considers to be the Arab regimes' moral corruption and disloyalty to Islam, bin Laden cites Saladin as an example, saying that unlike Arab leaders, Saladin "understood that the way to stop the damage inflicted by the infidels is to fight [them] for the sake of Allah...

"Saladin associated with the divinely guided ulema, pursued religious knowledge even in the arenas of jihad... and supported their spurring people to wage jihad against the Crusaders... He battled those [Arab] emirs and their helpers who fought side by side with the Crusaders against Muslims, even if those [emirs] proclaimed [the first shahada:] 'There is no god but Allah...'"

"[Hizbullah Leader] Nasrallah Refused to Accept [Assistance from Sunni] Mujahideen"

"In Egypt, [in contrast], the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood makes sending 10,000 mujahideen to fight the Jews conditional... upon the consent of the American agent [i.e. Mubarak]..." In Lebanon, "[Hizbullah Secretary-General] Hassan Nasrallah claims that he does not need [more] money [to assist him in fighting Israel]... and that he is not in need of [more] people [i.e. soldiers]... If he does indeed possess what he needs, why does he not persist in the fight to liberate Palestine and rescue our people from the hands of the Jews?
"On the contrary: He welcomed the Crusader forces which came to protect the Jews. By doing do, he confirmed the claim by Sabih Tufayli, former Hizbullah secretary-general, that Kofi Annan came to Lebanon [to facilitate] an agreement between Hizbullah and the Zionists, and this is why [Nasrallah] refused to accept [the assistance of Sunni] mujahideen."

"The Only Way to Reach Palestine Is to Fight the [Arab] Regimes and Parties That [Share a] Border with the Jews"

Bin Laden makes the following prognosis for the current predicament of the Islamic nation: "Today the umma... must do everything in its power to confront the Crusaders' agents [in order] to eliminate the danger they pose. [In fact,] upon realizing that the [Arab] regimes follow America, many righteous sons of the umma... joined Islamic groups that call [to restore] the rule of Islam, to revive the Caliphate, and [to liberate] Palestine...

"The only way to reach Palestine is by fighting the [Arab] regimes and parties [i.e., Hizbullah and the Muslim Brotherhood in countries] that [share a] border with the Jews and stand between us and them..."

(1) Al-Ikhlas Islamist forum, May 19, 2008.

For comments or assistance, please contact MEMRI at

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an independent, non-profit organization that translates and analyzes the media of the Middle East. Copies of articles and documents cited, as well as background information, are available on request.

MEMRI holds copyrights on all translations. Materials may only be used with proper attribution.

P.O. Box 27837, Washington, DC 20038-7837
Phone: (202) 955-9070
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Monday, May 12, 2008

State Department's Jihad Exchange Program; What the Heck???

A good friend emailed me this from PajamasMedia. Interesting read and if it even remotely true, we are our own worst enemy. We do not need al Qaeda because we are imploding with political correctness.

Sounds like the State Department has chosen sides. G_d help us from ourselves.

State Department’s Jihadist Exchange Program

In yet another startling case of incompetence, the State Department is sponsoring international delegations for an Islamic group being investigated for terrorist support.

May 12, 2008 - by Patrick Poole  State Department diplomats are taking full advantage of their new rules prohibiting the use of “jihad,” “jihadist,” and “mujahedeen” to describe Islamic extremists and terrorists, which they apparently have taken to mean that there are no jihadists in light of the exchange programs they have recently sponsored for the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT) — an organization currently under active federal grand jury investigation for terrorist support activities. [HT: Global MB Daily Report]

The IIIT exchange programs have been conducted under the State Department’s International Visitor’s Program. According to reports published on IIIT’s website, the State Department sponsored a March 7 visit to IIIT by a group of Chinese scholars and, more recently, an April 17-18 session with a large delegation of Islamic scholars from the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia.

The State Department has sponsored these IIIT activities at the very same time that a federal grand jury continues to look into IIIT’s multiple ties to terrorism as part of the Department of Justice’s ongoing Operation Green Quest investigation. A March 24 article in the New York Sun, “A Court Sheds New Light on Terror Probe,” identifies IIIT as the “group at the center of the probe.”   For the rest of the story:

PajamasMedia: State Department’s Jihadist Exchange Program

Friday, May 09, 2008

Left: You have no moral authority

Cross-posted @ the Talon.

I have worked many years trying to get people involved in this movement against the Sudanese government. The Left is not interested. I have contacted the black caucus in Congress only to receive a hang-up. I have called President Bush and left lengthy arguments for military action such as surrounding the state, stopping the inflow and export of products, and even action if necessary.

He did, however, send a few thousand men into Liberia. Another place where I was concerned about the people under the thumb of Charles Taylor, a war criminal who is now on trial in the Hague. Call me a whoos, but I care. I can't stand genocide. I thought when we made that promise, 'Never again', we meant it. I do. Forgive me for being naive if everyone else knows better.

What did the Left do? They threw out numbers of the suffering people while on TV, just as they do now with our Soldiers, but that is as far as they are willing to go. They have not gone to Sudan or any other African country. Oh, they have those green wrist bands which everyone is supposed to wear.

Why? What good will that do? Will it make them feel better? I do not see how, because I will still know that there are people still suffering, still being raped, still being murdered, still being sold into slavery, still being burned alive, etc. But they do not want any military intervention. Why put an end to end to it? Then they might actually have to get a REAL job. Well, I want the troop intervention, and I'll try to explain why.

Sudan is the place where Osama bin Laden was first heard of for many people. He was also provided to the USA as a trade so they could be taken off the 'terrorist' list at the State Department while Bill Clinton was in office, but he thought there was 'no legally binding authority'. [What is wrong with these people?] No, you can invade Waco, Texas, but you cannot stop 9/11/2001. Yeah, I get it. NOT. Back to point.

When bin Laden left Sudan, he was one person. Not all of his minions left with him, and there are still many more of them in hills and mountains of Darfur and Sudan. They are forcing the people to live in fear, to live under sharia law, to become muzlims or else! With the Janjaweed and al Qaida, the Darfurians don't stand a chance without outside intervention. [BTW, the Darfurians are Muzlims but they are African, not Middle Eastern.]

Without intervention, the genocide continues. There are now over 3,500,000 people murdered, raped, enslaved, [REALLY] tortured, starved, displaced, burned alive, etc. The Left has more rallies, and they collect a lot of money from unsuspecting people who truly wish to help. The money is used for their next rally, not for the Darfurian people. How is that compassionate? How does that stop anything? These people understand one thing: Force. Since the Left believes so strongly in Darwinism, you'd think they'd understand, 'Only the strong survive.'

Update: These three links are from Pajamas Media, and it is an interview with a FREED SLAVE from Sudan. Listen, PLEASE.

Part I and Part III. This video is Part II.

In case you are worried about how much time this will take away from your precious day, this one is only 5 minutes long. It seemed like it was only one minute.

Hat tip: Pajamas Media, and a great big THANK YOU!

Left: You have no moral authority Part II.**

Last week I addressed the Sudan situation. This week I would like to touch on the Tibet situation for a moment, and then I want to address another issue in a larger context. If you would like to review or read last week's post, it is right here. It is also the lead in to Part II. You will also be able to watch the video there.

The Left has been wearing 'Free Tibet' on their car bumpers for over 50 years now, but what do they do when they finally have an opportunity to make their voices heard? Do they call Congress? Do they call the president? I suppose some of them did. Others however, want to boycott the games of the Olympics, and they try to protest by attacking the people carrying the torch. Oh, that's very brave! Why did they not interfere with the Chinese police? After all, they are not afraid of our police! They shrank away from these animals in fear.

It is time to address this issue. I would also like to discuss Iraq, because some of the people seem to believe that Iraqi blood is not as important as American blood is. That is the only way I can summarize it from all the cross-talking I'm hearing about changing this, we're on the wrong path, etc. You may be surprised to find I believe we were on the wrong path myself! We did not have the policies we needed for our men and women at war, and their hands were tied. That is no way to fight a war.

Then back home, we had many discussions about bringing the troops home. Huh? Before the enemy is stomped out? If I tell my enemy when I am leaving where I have defeated them, the people who are fighting with me, side by side, will refuse to fight along side me any longer. They will abandon me, just as we would be abandoning them. I cannot blame them. They will know better than to risk their lives for a traitorous policy. Another promise broken.

Many people want the Iraqi people to step up? Have. They. Not. Been. Paying. Attention? What do they think the Anbar Awakening was all about? A tea party? Don't forget, our Boston Tea Party may not have seemed like much at the time, but everyone remembers it!

Do they not read any IRAQI Papers? We have been gaining ground by leaps and bounds. Something we would not have been able to do as quickly but for the IRAQIS Leading the fight! They are taking the fight to the enemy, and it doesn't matter what their religion is anymore. They are tired of it. It has nothing to do with what we are saying in our comfortable homes, and the Left is saying a lot of the wrong things, in my humble opinion (IMHO).

Many people, including Congressmen, have stated that they want the troops withdrawn one battalion of troops every month, no matter the conditions on the ground. They believe this will encourage the Iraqis to fight harder, the government to come together quicker. Since when? We should send some of these people first to my neighborhood so they could sit down with the GANGS and 'talk' with them so they will put down their arms! Only so they may learn how truly difficult it is when you're dealing with people who truly hate you and wish you dead.

If we are not wise, these policies will cause the world to believe it all depends on the politics of the day in the United States of America, not the commitments made, whether or not to support us in any conflict. It may get tough. After all, in 1944, we were losing! Can you imagine if we had this press back then? I wonder how they would have reported the Battle of the Bulge?

Do you ever wonder what these other countries will do with this knowledge if we decide to cut and run? Especially Iraqis? They will do what they know is necessary for themselves to stay alive.

Right now, they ARE stepping up to the plate. They are doing quite a good job of it, too! Just read articles such as this: Admiral: ISF fight well in Basra, Baghdad battles. Read Michael Yon, The Long War Journal, Blackfive, Iraq the Model, or even CENTCOM! Is that too much to ask?!

Some people do not understand that giving up will [unwittingly] give a victory to the terrorists, and this will forsake all the hard work and the good souls that gave all they could give. This is wrong. Then it will certainly be just as it was in Vietnam. We won on the battlefield, but lost in the minds of the American people because the press lied to the American people. Thank God for the internet!

There will be bloodshed like I don't think even I understand if the policy of cut and run is put into practice. The genocidal maniacs will proclaim victory, and who will be there to argue their point? Who will be there to stop Iran from crossing the border and taking over Iraq? [Iran is already in the Iraq government!] You think oil prices are high now? You have no idea what is out there just waiting for you and me.

Do you not understand what genocide is? Do you not remember Vietnam? Cambodia? Do you not remember our promise, 'Never Again'?

If we are not careful and cause America to have another black eye, she will not be the same America that will be remembered in the history books when we knew her. Then, maybe some day far away will look back and discover this land used to belong to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Yes, and we were also very prosperous. Was it greed that defeated us? Or was it the unwillingness of the comfortable to fight for their own freedom so they lost it for everyone else? This will be one of the many questions facing us during this 22nd Century and into the future...

**I do have an edition over at the Talon, but it is slightly different from this Part II post.

Ahmadinejad - The Mahdi (hidden imam) is directing Iran

Courtesy of
Link to Breitbart

Clerics have told President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to stick to more worldly issues after he was quoted as saying the "hidden imam" of Shiite Islam was directing Iran.

Ahmadinejad has always been a devotee of the Mahdi, the twelfth imam of Shiite Islam, who Shiites believe disappeared more than a thousand years ago and who will return one day to usher in a new era of peace and harmony. But in a speech to theology students broadcast by state television on Monday, Ahmadinejad went further than ever before in emphasising his belief that the Mahdi is playing a critical role in Iran's day-to-day politics. "The Imam Mahdi is in charge of the world and we see his hand directing all the affairs of the country," he said in the speech, which appears to date from last month but has only now been broadcast. "We must solve Iran's internal problems as quickly as possible. Time is lacking. A movement has started for us to occupy ourselves with our global responsibilities, which are arriving with great speed." Since becoming president in 2005, Ahmadinejad has repeatedly stated that his government is paving the way for the return of the Mahdi and chided his foes for not believing that his return is imminent..........

read more

Iraqis misidentify the wrong guy

DARN, according to news reports out of Iraq, a United States military official denied claims that Iraqi security forces arrested Al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Ayyub al-Masri in Mosul.  Maj. Peggy Kageleiry, a U.S. military spokeswoman in northern Iraq.  Major Kageleriy indicated that a man with a similar name was arrested in the northern city of Mosul. 

Iraqi Defense Ministry spokesman Mohammed al-Askari said the confusion arose because the commander of Iraqi forces in northern Ninevah province was convinced that he had arrested al-Masri — also known as Abu Hamza al-Muhajir.

In mid April, a man claiming to be al-Masri vowed  to launch a month long offensive against U.S. troops.

“We call on our beloved ones … that each unit should present the head of an American as a gift to the charlatan Bush … in addition to one of the apostate servants and slaves of the awakening (councils) during a one-month period,” he said in the tape, posted on an Internet site known for its militant contents.

According the coalition troops in the field Iraqi Security Forces sacrifice daily and are conducting independent operations around Iraq ridding their country of foreign and domestic insurgents. Although this latest news was a let down, it should be noted that there have been other successes by Iraqi security forces in the past several days.  I obtained the following news briefs from Operation Enduring Freedom, the official website for Multi-National Forces Iraq.

  • ISF detain criminal cell leader, three al-Qaeda in Iraq (Baghdad)
  • ISF, MND-B find several weapons caches across Baghdad
  • SOIs repel AQI attacks and identify cache (Diyala)
  • Iraqi Army soldiers, policemen seize IEDs in East Mansour
  • Iraqi Security Forces capture three wanted insurgents in Baghdad
  • SoI repels attack 4 insurgents killed, large cache discovered
  • Iraqi Special Operations Forces detain seven Special Groups criminals in Sadr City
  • Iraqi Army detains mid-level al-Qaeda in Iraq leader in Kirkuk province; detain six other suspected  
  • Farewell Israel: Bush, Iran, and The Revolt of Islam

    The birth of Islam by its founder Mohammad and for 1,200 year, Islam grew to reign over the civilized world around the Mediterranean.  Then about 300 years ago through concern of the Kuffars (Infidels and unbelievers) history documents an Islamic decline starting with the Crusades.  Islam opened the door to further humiliation when some leaders sided with the Germany dictator during world war 2.   In 1948 there occurred a humiliation from non-Muslims with the reintroduction of a Jewish state.

    Islam's historic trials and tribulations with Jews, and its relationship with non-believers, help illustrate an Islamic world view - all through the eyes of Muslims.  It is imperative for us to understand Islam's past and how it views itself so that we can understand what Islam desires for the future.

    Today  President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Iranian strategic agenda for acquiring weapons of mass destruction to eliminate Israel comes clearly into focus and should not be ignored.

    At the direction of Ahmadinejad, radicalized Islamists are preparing for a fateful coming war for fundamentalist inspired Islam - and Israel is the number one target and obstacle in the path of Islamic revival. Only with the return of Jews to their historic status as Dhimmi or Tributaries, tolerated and protected within fundamentalist inspired Islamic society, can fundamentalist inspired Islamic revival succeed - resulting in Islamic Peace, in the Middle East.

    It is strangely Biblically prophetic that this appears to be where we are heading.  It would seem Israel has no choice but to make peace in order to survive - yet this peace based on fundamentalist inspired Islamic justice - is misunderstood by Israel and many in the West.

    Stand by for heavy rolls my friend.  I am not sure it will get better before it gets much worse.

    PS, you may want to check out this link and the  DVD   Farewell Israel: Bush, Iran, and The Revolt of Islam

    Wednesday, May 07, 2008

    It's Bubba's Fault

    In her new column today analyzing the likely end of Hillary Clinton's campaign for the White House, columnist Ann Coulter puts the blame squarely on Bill Clinton.

    Writes Coulter: "Ronald Reagan was so popular, he not only won a 49-state landslide re-election for himself, but he also won a symbolic third term for his boob of a vice president, George Herbert Walker Bush (who immediately blew it by breaking his own 'no new taxes' pledge).

    "By contrast, in addition to not being able to get half the country to vote for him in two tries, Clinton's connection to any other presidential candidate spells utter doom. Both his vice president and his wife have been defeated in elections they should have won, but lost because of their unfortunate association with him. The country has spoken.

    It wants to be rid of the Clintons."

    Read Ann Coulter's complete column now at
    It's Bubba's Fault

    Sunday, May 04, 2008

    FBI investigating early-morning courthouse explosion

    Courtesy of KFMB, San Diego: FBI investigating early-morning courthouse explosion

    Were they gangbangers, criminals, pissed off illegal aliens, drug runners, or terrorists? Who knows?

    SAN DIEGO -- Hearings scheduled for Monday at the federal courthouse downtown have been postponed due to the early-morning explosion that damaged the entrance to the building.

    FBI field offices and federal courthouses nationwide have been alerted about the blast, which may have been caused by a pipe bomb timed to go off at a time when no one would be hurt, an FBI spokesman said.

    The loud blast at the Edward J. Schwartz Federal Courthouse, 940 Front St., occurred at about 1:40 a.m., said the FBI's April Langwell.

    By noon, no claims of responsibility had been received, Langwell said.

    For the rest of the story: Early-morning courthouse explosion

    Also reporting:

    * * * PUBLIC NOTICE * * *

    May 4, 2008 - The United States federal courthouse in the Southern District of California, located in downtown San Diego, will be closed to the public on Monday, May 5th, 2008 due to damage caused by a bomb explosion at the courthouse entrance. All federal court activity in San Diego has been cancelled. The U.S Courthouse in El Centro, California will remain open. The Clerk’s Office for the federal court will be open for business on Monday.

    Jurors that are scheduled for federal court jury duty on Monday, May 5th are asked not to report as required. Jurors should call 800-998-9035 after 6:00 PM on Monday evening to check the status of their jury duty for Tuesday, May 6th, 2008.

    All federal court employees are required to report to work as usual. All employees must use the Federal Building entrance at 880 Front Street.

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    Where do you spend your Economic Stimulus Check

    Starting in May, the Treasury will begin sending economic stimulus payments to more than 130 million households. To receive a payment, taxpayers must have a valid Social Security number, $3,000 of income and file a 2007 federal tax return. IRS will take care of the rest. Eligible people will receive up to $600 ($1,200 for married couples), and parents will receive an additional $300 for each eligible child younger than 17. Millions of retirees, disabled veterans and low-wage workers who usually are exempt from filing a tax return must do so this year in order to receive a stimulus payment.

    If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China. If we spend it on gasoline it will go to the Arabs. If we purchase a computer it will go to India. If we purchase fruits and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala. If we purchase a good car it will go to Japan. If we purchase useless stuff it will go to Taiwan and none of it will help the American economy.

    We need to keep that money here in America. The only way to keep that money here at home is to spend it at yard sales, since those are the only businesses still in the United States!

    ( Emailed from  a friend.  Author unknown. )

    For basic information from the IRS please visit: Economic Stimulus Payments Information Center

    Frank Rich of the NYT Should Look Left for Racists

    Courtesy of my friend, Big Dog: Frank Rich of the NYT Should Look Left for Racists

    Posted at Big Dog's Category: Political

    Frank Rich of the New York Times has a piece out today asking why Obama’s pastor has received so much scrutiny when McCain’s has not. Rich is referring to John Hagee, an absolute nut job, who has endorsed John McCain. According to Rich, Obama’s pastor, with whom he had a 20 year relationship, is no different than a man who endorsed McCain and with whom McCain had no other relationship. Hagee is not and was not McCain’s pastor.

    Rich addresses this difference by stating there is no difference between Obama sitting there in Wright’s church and John McCain actively (Rich’s assertion) seeking Hagee’s endorsement because by doing so he is agreeing with the lunacy that comes out of Hagee’s mouth (just as Obama did by being in Wright’s church).

    The entire story boils down to Rich’s claim that America is a racist country and that there is double standard because Clinton and Obama are scrutinized for every perceived racist remark while the racism of the Republicans is ignored. Rich “proves’ his point by indicating that there are no blacks among all the Senators and Representatives in the Congress who happen to be Republicans. Rich tells us that gays (Foley) have a better chance of getting elected in the GOP than blacks.

    I have gone through this before but I will do it again for the benefit of Frank Rich whose Obama tinted glasses have obscured his thinking. First of all, the Democrats are not being scrutinized any more on subjects of race. The Democrats have never been taken to task for their racism until this election cycle that just happens to have a black man in it. Republicans are always the subject of allegations of racism. Anytime a Republican makes a remark cries of racism abound. This is standard operating procedure. The claims do not have to be true, just some half baked idea fostered by race baiters who blow it out of proportion while, I might add, the public ignores the racist remarks of those doing the crying.

    Democrats have never been taken to task for their racism. They have always been held up as the champions of race relations yet under them blacks have slipped father and farther into poverty. Welfare programs keep blacks subservient to government and under the oppressive thumb of their slave masters in the Democratic party. Democrats are always quite happy to court the black vote, which votes for them at a level of 90% in elections, and then ignore them until the next election. Affirmative action and housing projects are the Democrat’s way of telling blacks they are not capable of making it on their own but not to worry because government is there for them.

    This leads me to the idea that the GOP has no elected blacks in Congress. This is a matter of demographics and math. The math is, 90% of blacks support Democratic candidates so we can conclude that 90% of them are Democrat or believe in what Democrats represent. If 90% of the black population is Democratic where does Mr. Rich think the GOP will find black people to run for office? Only 10% remain and out of them how many are qualified (Constitutionally) or want to run.

    Demographics show that most black Democrats come from urban areas. They come from cities where there are huge numbers of blacks and where the political climate is overwhelmingly Democratic. Blacks who happen to be conservative would never run in these areas because they cannot win. For Rich to claim this is GOP racism is absolutely out of touch with reality. Even blacks who live in conservative areas would not want to run for office and not because of white conservatives. Look at how the Democrats and particularly black Democrats act when a black person runs for office as a Republican. The name calling begins and the names of sell out and Uncle Tom do not come from the right. These names come from blacks in the community who wonder how a black would dare be a Republican.

    Look at the Maryland Senate race from 2006 when Michael Steele, a black conservative, ran for the Senate seat being vacated by the retiring Paul Sarbanes and he ran against Joe Cardin, a white Democratic Congressman. Michael Steele was portrayed unfavorably by Democrats. He was shown in a black face photo-shopped picture and referred to as Sambo. He had Oreo cookies thrown at him and one of Cardin’s bloggers wrote terrible things about him and his race was a big part of it. These were all Democrats doing this to a black man. BTW, Steele was the Lieutenant Governor of the state and was the highest-ranking elected Republican black in the country. Republicans will elect them when they can overcome Democratic barriers.

    Steele lost the race but he did not lose because whites refused to vote for him or because they did not want him in office, as Rich would have you believe. The heavily Democratic areas of Maryland (and areas with huge black populations) voted for Cardin. As those areas go so goes the state. Steele carried almost every county where the population is strongly Republican and overwhelmingly white (he won 18 subdivisions to Cardin’s 6). This should put to bed Rich’s claims and show that it is Democratic racism that prevents black Republicans from being elected.

    The entire Rich story is right out of the leftist play book. The interesting thing is that he makes this an issue of McCain/Obama when the issues right now are all Obama/Clinton. Despite Rich’s attempts to make this about conservatives smearing Obama with his pastor’s words while ignoring McCain, the fact is it is the Democrats who are smearing the man (why should Republicans chime in when they are doing a good job of beating each other up). Republicans are not part of their primary process. All the negative stuff is coming from the left. Instead of asking about McCain’s “pastor” Rich would be more accurate if he asked when they were going to start looking at Clinton’s pastor.

    I am sure the Democrats will get to McCain and the people with whom he associates when they finally settle their own contest. Until that time people like Frank Rich should stop muddying the waters with half truths and outright lies sprinkled with innuendo.

    Yes Mr. Rich, there is a race problem in this country and it is from the Democrats and from people like you (but I repeat myself). People on the right are called racists and they have been labeled racists but in reality it is those on the left who display racism all the time.

    Blacks would do themselves a world of good by changing parties (which would put a lot of black Republicans in Congress). Short of that they need to follow the words of Bill Cosby and stop blaming the white man for all their ills. It would help if white men like Frank Rich would do the same.

    Big Dog