Tribute to the Military

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How many senators and congresspersons should be investigated

How many senators and congresspersons should be investigated

In the Hannity forum this morning, Red Wing Lion started an interesting post about the FBI probing 530 corporate fraud cases--Fox News

I watched banking reps getting grilled about their alleged mismanagement of TARP funds, and it got me to thinking how many US legislators in the Senate and House should get investigated too and who should do the grilling.

Watching Barney Frank at this morning Bank TARP Money hearing with his pompous attitude made my chuckle and also made me angry at the same time.

I figure that in the House, we have about 251 representatives of a variety of flavors. In the Senate we have about 100 representatives of a variety of flavors.

Just how many legislators are ethically challenged and have misguided agendas? Be specific on whom you believe should be under investigation and be specific on to whom and why they should be named in federal indictments.

What say you America?

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