Tribute to the Military

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ann Coulter: RENO 911

Ann Coulter: Dems want to relive their "glory years"

Here we go again, folks. Ann Coulter calls the shots like she sees them. By far, I believe that ANN is the best political referee going.

In today's column, Ann Coulter writes (that) the Dems' desire for a return of the "glory years" with former Attorney General Janet Reno. "There is reason to believe Reno is precisely the sort of attorney general that Hillary would nominate, since Reno was widely assumed to be Hillary's pick at the time," she writes. "As ABC News' Chris Bury reported the day Reno was confirmed: 'The search for an attorney general exemplifies Hillary Clinton's circle of influence and its clout. ... The attorney general-designate, Janet Reno, came to the president's attention through Hillary Clinton's brother, Hugh Rodham.'"

Coulter offers a simple tabulation of the accomplishments of Reno and former Attorneys General Alberto Gonzeles and John Ashcroft.

  • Civilians killed by Ashcroft: 0;
  • Civilians killed by Gonzales: 0;
  • Civilians killed by Reno: 80.
Read Ann Coulter's latest column at World Net Daily: RENO 911

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