Tribute to the Military

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Why they fight-Why we support them

As I was browsing last night, I came upon this site: The Real Ugly American. It is very moving, and I recommend this to all Military and non-Military personnel alike.

The introduction:
Some here would call them idiots. Some would make fun of them for riskingtheir lives for $75 a month in combat pay. I call them some of the bravest and finest people I have ever know. Hearts of Vikings. [continue reading]
This is a recollection of friends that have come back from the Viet Nam war, and some who did not return. It is also an account of one out of many situations that happened to our heroes, way back when America lost it's nerve.

Those of us who never saw war except through a TV screen will remain moved and speechless, proud and thankful. Those who were there will come away knowing...

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