Tribute to the Military

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Ann Coulter exposes Democrat duplicity on 'gays'

In Ann Coulter's latest column, that was posted at WorldNetDaily, the take-no-prisoners commentator points out stark differences in how Republicans and Democrats caught in sex scandals react. Coulter does a good job skewering the "Donkey party."

DISCLAIMER: The different points of views Ann Coulter are not supported nor do they reflect the views and beliefs of the Bosun Locker or any entity affiliated with the Bosun Locker.

Writes Coulter: "The object lesson of Mark Foley's inappropriate e-mails to male pages is that when a Republican congressman is caught in a sex scandal, he immediately resigns and crawls off into a hole in abject
embarrassment. Democrats get snippy.

"Coulter goes on to describe the action of former Democratic Rep. Gerry Studds after he was caught in a homosexual relationship with a 17-year-old."We need to get a rulebook from the Democrats," writes Coulter, which she then dutifully supplies.

How the heck does Studds get a standing ovation by his party is beyond me. Read Coulters latest exclusive column at knew Mark Foley was a closeted Democrat?

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Tom the Redhunter said...

The whole Gerry Studds affair is pretty pathetic, isn't it?

Too bad Bill Clinton didn't resign and crawl away in disgrace like he should have.

Bos'un said...

Clinton's ego would not let him. Most social engineers, lefti, and liberals think they are elitists and above the law.

Nothing humble, liberal or tolerant when it comes to the left leaning politicians or their constituents.