Tribute to the Military

Friday, October 14, 2005

Study: TV Minimizes Iraqi Progress, Pushes Bad News Agenda

I have ranted about liberal bias in the past. It seems to rear its head several times a week when I read or watch MSM. While reviewing the news this morning, I found a well written article by Rich Noyes @ News Busters, October 14, 2005. Mr. Noyes is currently Research Director at the Media Research Center, where he is co-editor of the weekly Media Reality Check and Notable Quotables.

Mr. Noyes pointed out, as did Brent Baker, that MSM appears "were far more excited about the supposed scandal of the administration..." On the other hand, MSM has built a reputation of spining its own tales to promote its own agenda. So much for fair and balanced reporting, heh.

We have to analyze how MSM covers the war in Iraq. Mr. Noyes indicated in his article that "If the Iraq war is “increasingly unpopular” — and polls suggest it is — one reason may be because the broadcast networks have heavily skewed their news agenda toward the bad news coming out of Iraq: car bombings, U.S. casualties, terrorist attacks, squabbling among Iraqi politicians, etc., etc." I personally read the DOD news releases, Michael Yon, and a host of other "boots on the ground" embedded reporters and bloggers who have a much better perspective on the war. Mr. Noyes' article give a very good perspective in regards to MSM bias and how they minimize the progress that we have achieved in Iraq.

Link to Noyes article at Newsbusters

1 comment:

Rosemary Welch said...

I really liked this one! Great job.