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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Swiftboat II? Has 'Jerry Springer Journalism' Hit the Mainstream Media?

Re-posted with permission from the editors at The Info Zone.

DISCLAIMER: The different points of views on the The Info Zone are not supported nor do they reflect the views and beliefs of the Bosun Locker or any entity affiliated with the Bosun Locker.
US Congressman John Murtha D-PA was in Florida over the weekend at a Townhall meeting at Florida International University.

The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported, Murtha saying, "American presence in Iraq is more dangerous to world peace than nuclear threats from North Korea or Iran to a crowd of more than 200 in North Miami Saturday afternoon."

In the article, reporter Elizabeth Baier quoted several other of Congressman John Murtha's statements in her article, as well as a quote from others at the event, but did not quote the comments alleged to have been said by Murtha in the first paragraph of her article. Melissa Sanchez of the Miami Herald replying to an email, says that while Murtha made the comment, "That was in reference to international polls. It was not so much his own conjecture, but a conclusion drawn from polls in various countries."

So this alleged and most controversial statement, written by Baier appears to have taken his comments out of context.

The article has become a hot topic on the blogsphere. Conservative bloggers picked up the story and are repeating Baier's first paragraph of her article as a statement of fact. This started Sunday night, when Matt Drudge picked up the story on his web site.

The Wall Street Journal, in an OP-ED piece covered this story on Monday, June 26, 2006. The Wall Street Journal story cites the South Florida Sun-Sentinel as quoting US Rep. John Murtha. Fox News has picked up the story, as well, The India Times and many other mainstream media outlets are picking up the Florida Sun-Sentinel article.

Technorati which is a blogging link site, has as of 1800Hrs, on June 26, 2006 grown to 460 blog references to Baier's article.

Jerry Springer Journalism?
Earl Maucker, the editor of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel newspaper, when asked why the statement was not quoted like other comments by Murtha in Baier's article, said the reporter "may have been giving the essense of what the congressman's speech covered". Maucker knew the article was creating a buzz on the Internet but he had not talked with his reporter about the story, but stated he would be talking to Phillip Ward, the deputy editor of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.

The Miami Herald, which also covered the Town Hall Meeting, quotes Murtha, but does not mention his controversial comment.

Murtha's press secretary, Cindy Abrams, stated that Murtha does not speak from a prepared text, but usually uses speaking points for his speeches. Abrams was unaware if Murtha had actually made the comment.

Infozone readers have contacted this site. They are concerned that the blogsphere, in leaping on Baier's controversial comments in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel is a form of 'Jerry Springer Journalism'.

In journalism today, reporters usually tape events they are attending to make sure the comments they quote are accurate.

Has Ms Baier's article, in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel started a 'Swiftboat campaign' against US Congressman Murtha?
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chancuff said...

Looking at the large number of blog posts I've placed throughout the blogsphere in the last 2 weeks, I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking they look like spam.

My apologies to all.

Some interesting happened today. I received an email response from Bill Pasco(e) of Diana Irey's campaign against John Murtha for the 12th District of Pennsylvania seat in the House of Representatives.

In responding Mr. Pascoe's email, I found it useful to CC that response to him to Elizabeth Baier and her editor Ms. Rosenhause (Managing Editor Sun-Sentinel).

The topic of those emails was "Rovian Architecture Unplugged". If you are interested to learn more, feel free to write them.

Make "Rovian Architechure Unplugged" your subject heading so they know what your inquiry is about.

Their email addresses:

Bill Pascoe

Elizabeth Baier

Sharon Rosenhause

Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too

chancuff said...

Looking at the large number of blog posts I've placed throughout the blogsphere in the last 2 weeks, I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking they look like spam.

My apologies to all.

Some interesting things happened yesterday. I received an email response from Bill Pasco(e) of Diana Irey's campaign responding to the letter I wrote Ms Irey.

In responding Mr. Pascoe's email, I found it useful to CC that response to him to Elizabeth Baier and her editor Ms. Rosenhause (Managing Editor Sun-Sentinel).

The topic of those emails was "Rovian Architecture Unplugged". If you are interested to learn more, feel free to write them.

Make "Rovian Architechure Unplugged" your subject heading so they know what your inquiry is about.

Their email addresses:

Bill Pascoe phone: (724) 258-2300

Elizabeth Baier

Sharon Rosenhause

Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too