Tribute to the Military

Monday, March 27, 2006

United States-German Carnival #2 3/26/2006

Joerg has done it again, only this time there are more people particating. It is wonderful! Great job, everyone. Even those with whom I disagree. This is a better way to discuss our differences. I encourage everyone to take the time to read all of the posts. What are the posts about? I have an for that! We see that Germany and the USA have a strained relationed, both politically and socially. Joerg thought it would be healthy to try to heal the wounds, instead of letting them fester. I agree.

The only way to do this is by talking to one another. If you have an article which you have written that includes Germany, the USA, and/or our relations, please feel free to add it to the carnival. If you miss this one, sign up for the next one. It truly is worthwhile. From here on in it is going to be what Joerg has written. He is so elegant I decided to share him with you. [continue reading]

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